Full-Rate Production For C-5M

Posted 19 October 2010
Photo by John Rossino

The Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin a $162.9 million contract on 19 October 2010 that will move the C-5 Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program, or RERP, modification effort into full-rate production. The contract calls for advanced procurement of materials and components for the eleven aircraft to be modified in RERP Lot 5. Installation is scheduled to begin on those aircraft in late 2012. The Air Force also awarded a $115.6 million contract modification that covers installation of the C-5M modification kits in the existing Lot 3 low-rate initial production contract. A total of fifty-two C-5s (forty-nine C-5Bs, two C-5Cs, and one C-5A) are scheduled to undergo the RERP modification. Four of the upgraded C-5Ms have been redelivered so far.
