Teak Knife 12-3

Posted 14 September 2012
Photo by SSgt. Craig Cisek

Two AC-130U Spooky gunship crews and approximately 100 US Special Operations and support personnel from the 4th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Florida, deployed to Osan AB, Korea, from 2-14 September 2012 for Teak Knife 12-3, a joint forces training exercise with South Korean forces. During the exercise, Republic of Korea Special Warfare Command Special Operations Teams from around the peninsula controlled air strikes from the AC-130s along with strikes from A-10 and F-16 pilots assigned to the 51st Fighter Wing at Osan. During the exercise, U.S. and South Korean forces practiced specialized techniques, tactics, and procedures associated with radioing in targets, dropping ordnance, targeting enemy threat capabilities, teaching allied aircraft capabilities, and practicing aircraft deconfliction measures.
