Latest C-5M Delivered

Posted 12 April 2011
Photo by Damien A. Guarnieri

The second production C-5M Super Galaxy was redelivered to the US Air Force on 12 April 2011. The aircraft (Air Force serial number 85-0002) was flown from the Lockheed Martin facility in Marietta, Georgia, to Stewart ANGB, New York, where it will undergo internal paint restoration before being returned to Dover AFB, Delaware. This is the fifth C-5 to be brought up to the M-model standard, including three former test aircraft now in the operational fleet. Two other aircraft are currently in Marietta undergoing modernization. A total of fifty-two C-5s, consisting of forty-nine B-models, two C-models, and one A-model will be modernized through the Reliability Enhancement and Reengining Program, or RERP.
