First Production C-5M Delivered

Posted 30 September 2010
Photo by John Rossino

The first production C-5M Super Galaxy was redelivered to the US Air Force in ceremonies at the Lockheed Martin facility in Marietta, Georgia, on 30 September 2010. This aircraft (Air Force serial number 83-1258), shown with C-5M program employees and Air Force and government representatives, was the first C-5B to come off the production line in 1985. Modernization of this aircraft took thirteen months. At rate production, the conversion time on future aircraft is expected to be reduced to eight months. Under the current C-5M program, a total of forty-nine C-5Bs and two C-5Cs will be modernized. Two C-5Bs and one C-5A were brought up to C-5M standard during the Super Galaxy flight test program.

